"1LDK+JK Ikinari Doukyo? Micchaku!? Hatsu Ecchi!!?" is an adult-oriented OVA series that premiered on July 7, 2023.
The story follows Akane Misaki, a high school girl who begins living alone. Due to a mistake by the landlord, she ends up sharing her apartment with Ken Hazama, a salaryman. They agree to cohabit for a week until another room becomes available.
In Episode 1, the narrative explores the initial awkwardness and developing intimacy between Akane and Ken as they navigate their unexpected living arrangement. The episode delves into themes of cohabitation and the complexities of their relationship.
The animation is noted for its explicit content, with detailed character designs that emphasize the adult themes present in the storyline. The voice acting adds depth to the characters, effectively conveying the nuances of their evolving relationship.
As the series progresses, viewers can anticipate further exploration of the dynamics between Akane and Ken, focusing on the challenges and developments that arise from their cohabitation.