"Ane Jiyoku Tsukushi: Nee-san no Shitagi" is an adult-oriented anime series that delves into complex familial relationships and psychological themes.
Episode 1 Overview:
The narrative centers on Mizuki, a seemingly ordinary young man overshadowed by his two sisters: Ema, the composed and beautiful student council president, and Ruka, whose popularity rivals that of an idol. Throughout their upbringing, both sisters have subjected Mizuki to teasing and demanding behavior. Mizuki's life appears to take a positive turn when he enters into a romantic relationship. However, this newfound happiness is short-lived. Ema, unable to accept her brother's first love, orchestrates a plan that leads to Mizuki witnessing his girlfriend in a compromising situation with another man. This event devastates Mizuki, leaving him emotionally shattered. In the aftermath, Ema takes advantage of Mizuki's vulnerable state, leading to an inappropriate encounter between the siblings. The episode concludes with Mizuki discovering Ema's manipulation, prompting him to confront her with intentions of retribution.
This episode explores themes of jealousy, manipulation, and the complexities of forbidden relationships, setting the stage for the unfolding drama in subsequent episodes.