"Blind Night Episode 3," titled "End," brings the series to a climactic conclusion. The episode follows Yoji, a college student who discovers a demonic book and uses its dark instructions to enslave his classmate, Rie. As Yoji's obsession grows, he seeks to dominate more victims, leading to a series of increasingly depraved acts. The narrative delves into themes of power, corruption, and the loss of humanity, portraying Yoji's descent into darkness. The animation style shifts in this episode, adopting a more modern and softer aesthetic, with less emphasis on thick black lines and a reduction in the glossy appearance of earlier episodes. The background music also becomes more dramatic and atmospheric, enhancing the overall tone of the episode. Despite the detectives' presence, their investigation fails to yield results, and they are eventually sidelined, highlighting the futility of justice in the face of overwhelming evil. "Blind Night Episode 3" serves as a stark exploration of the consequences of unchecked desires and the depths of human depravity.