In Episode 2 of "Doukyo Suru Neneki," titled "Daily Life Mixed Together," the protagonist, Yuuji Fujiwara, continues to navigate his complex relationship with the shape-shifting slime girl residing in his home.
During his usual train ride home, Yuuji is startled to find the slime, having transformed into his coworker Takamiya-san, seated beside him. An unexpected incident occurs when the slime girl confronts a schoolgirl, but Yuuji intervenes to defuse the situation.
Back at his apartment, the slime girl, still upset, decides to enact a provocative form of revenge. She morphs into the schoolgirl and simultaneously splits herself to also take on the appearance of Takamiya-san. Faced with these two alluring forms, Yuuji's desires overwhelm him, leading to an intimate encounter with both manifestations.
This episode delves deeper into themes of identity, desire, and the blurred lines between reality and fantasy, as Yuuji grapples with the increasingly intricate dynamics introduced by the slime girl's transformative abilities.