"Enjo Kouhai" (also known as "Assisted Mating") is an adult-oriented anime series that explores a unique societal intervention to address declining birth rates among demi-human races. In Episode 1, titled "The Female Honor Student Is an Elven Princess," viewers are introduced to a world where the government has implemented an "assistance system," pairing humans with demi-humans to ensure species continuation. The protagonist, a conscientious teacher, is unexpectedly assigned as a mating partner to his own student, Iris Thea Eaderlindt—a distinguished elven princess renowned for her amicable disposition towards humans. Despite initial apprehensions, both characters commit to their governmental duties, leading to intimate encounters that reveal deeper aspects of their personalities and societal roles. The episode is notable for its detailed animation and the portrayal of complex themes, including the ethical implications of such a system and the dynamics of human-demi-human relationships. The series is recognized for its engaging narrative and the exploration of interspecies interactions within a structured societal framework.