"Hajimete no Hitozuma" is an adult-oriented anime series that delves into complex relationships and hidden pasts. In Episode 1, viewers are introduced to Yoshino Kanako, a woman happily married to Tomoya, with whom she is planning to start a family. Their harmonious life takes a dramatic turn when Kanako meets her father-in-law, Makoto, and realizes he is a man from her past. Seven years prior, Kanako had been involved with Makoto during a tumultuous period in her life, a fact she has kept hidden from her husband. Makoto recognizes Kanako and proposes to keep their past a secret, on the condition that they rekindle their previous intimate relationship. This episode sets the stage for a narrative filled with tension, exploring themes of secrecy, power dynamics, and the complexities of human relationships. The animation captures the emotional depth of the characters, with expressive artwork that enhances the storytelling. "Hajimete no Hitozuma" Episode 1 offers a provocative beginning to a series that examines the intricate web of past and present connections.
For a visual glimpse into this episode, you can watch the following video: