In Episode 5 of "Hajimete no Hitozuma," titled "Exam Countermeasure of a High School Girl's Mom," the protagonist is dedicated to his studies in preparation for upcoming final exams. Satomi Kawai, known for her promiscuous behavior, seeks his assistance to improve her academic performance. He agrees to tutor her, balancing his own study time with their sessions, motivated by the promise of intimate rewards.
During one of these study sessions at Kawai's home, the protagonist finds himself alone with Kawai's mother. In their conversation, she reveals her awareness of his intimate encounters with her daughter. Instead of expressing disapproval, she offers herself to him as a gesture of gratitude for helping her daughter, leading to a series of intimate encounters between them.
This episode delves into themes of temptation and taboo relationships, highlighting the protagonist's moral dilemmas and the complex dynamics within Kawai's family. The narrative explores the consequences of succumbing to forbidden desires and the intricate interplay between duty and personal gratification.