In Episode 3 of Kaede to Suzu The Animation, the complex relationships among Kaede, Suzu, and Hayato reach new levels of intensity. Following their intimate encounter on the rooftop, Hayato and Kaede's bond deepens, leading them to openly flirt in front of Suzu. Seeking to spend more private time with Hayato, Kaede visits his house over the weekend, dressed in a maid outfit. To her surprise, she discovers Hayato bound and Suzu, also in a maid outfit, displaying an uncharacteristically blank expression. This unexpected situation reveals Suzu's hidden feelings, as she takes control in the first half of the episode, leading to an intense encounter between the sisters. Kaede is left to process her emotions, culminating in a scene where she engages in self-pleasure while listening to a recording of Hayato's voice. The episode concludes with Suzu making a proposal to Kaede, though her exact words remain inaudible, leaving viewers to speculate on her intentions. This episode delves deeper into the complex relationships and desires among the trio, highlighting themes of jealousy, dominance, and the evolving dynamics between the twin sisters and Hayato.