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Koihime Episode 2


Koihime Episode 2

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Release Date

November 23, 2000

Upload Date

December 13, 2019

Alternate Titles

Koihime Koihime Le pacte des tabous Love Princess Кохання принцес 恋姫

Koihime Episode 2 continues the story of Musashi, who returns to his childhood village and rekindles relationships with four princesses—his forgotten childhood friends. As he becomes reacquainted with his surroundings, he meets Tamamo, who claims to be another childhood friend, though he has no memory of her. That night, under the influence of a mysterious allure, Musashi becomes intimate with Tamamo, unaware that this encounter is part of a deeper scheme aimed at exacting revenge on the village leader through him. This episode delves into themes of memory loss, manipulation, and the complexities of past relationships, all set within a fantasy framework. Please be advised that Koihime contains explicit adult content and is intended for mature audiences only.