In Episode 2 of "Kunoichi Ryoujokuden Ajisai," titled "The Corrupt Merchant, Echigoya: The Flowers of Evil Bloom in Milky White," the kunoichi Ajisai successfully apprehends Gamou, the perpetrator behind the abduction of village girls. However, she uncovers that Gamou was acting under the orders of a more sinister figure—the corrupt merchant Echigoya. Determined to bring Echigoya to justice, Ajisai infiltrates his mansion disguised as a maid, aiming to seduce and trap him using her exceptional skills. Despite her efforts, Echigoya anticipates her plan and turns the tables. Ajisai finds herself subjected to humiliating restraints and aphrodisiacs, leading her to lose control over her senses and desires. The episode portrays her struggle against the overwhelming pleasure inflicted upon her, culminating in a cliffhanger that leaves her ultimate fate uncertain.