"Melty's Quest" is an adult-oriented anime series that premiered on February 21, 2020.
In Episode 1, viewers are introduced to Princess Meltys, a carefree royal who has lived a life of indulgence without much responsibility. Her world is turned upside down when the Grolido Monster Empire invades her kingdom, destroys her home, and kidnaps her three sisters. With no castle and no one else to call for help, Meltys decides to take matters into her own hands, embarking on a quest to rescue her family and restore her kingdom. The episode combines elements of fantasy and erotica, showcasing Meltys's transformation from a spoiled princess to a determined heroine. The animation is notable for its detailed character designs and explicit scenes, catering to mature audiences. "Melty's Quest" Episode 1 sets the stage for a journey that is light-hearted, sometimes comical, and sometimes serious, but always erotic.