In Episode 1 of "Mitasarete Mezameru Asa ni, Jimi na Choushoku wo The Animation," the story introduces Koutarou and Sayaka, two individuals recently separated from their respective partners. They reconnect at a class reunion, where both are dealing with the emotional aftermath of their breakups.
Koutarou, who has been living alone since his girlfriend moved out, offers Sayaka a place to stay for the night, as she currently has nowhere to go. Despite their differing views on love and contrasting personalities, they find solace in each other's company. The episode explores their deepening connection, both emotionally and physically, as they spend the night together, finding comfort and understanding in their shared experiences.
This episode delves into themes of heartbreak, companionship, and the unexpected bonds that can form between individuals facing similar emotional challenges. The narrative emphasizes the healing power of human connection in the wake of personal loss.