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Okusama wa Mahou Tsukai Episode 2


okusama wa mahou tsukai 2



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Release Date

March 08, 2007

Upload Date

May 09, 2019

Alternate Titles

Enspelled Oku-sama wa Mahou Tsukai Okusama wa Mahou Tsukai Моя жена - волшебница на посылках 사모님은 마법사 奥様は魔法使い

Anastasia was a witch who wanted to give up her powers and live a normal life on Earth. She married Genyo, and they started a normal, happy suburban life together. Of course, Anastasia sometimes can't resist using her magic to help her get through the trials and tribulations of everyday life, and her powerful mother is still a bad witch. But what this really means for Anastasia is that she needs to channel her sperm-powered sex magic to fight off her psychotic lesbian mother and her army of crazed sex slaves and demons!