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Ore ga Kanojo o su Wake Episode 4


Ore ga Kanojo o su Wake Episode 4

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Release Date

July 27, 2018

Upload Date

July 31, 2018

Alternate Titles

Ore ga Kanojo o *su Wake 俺が姪[かのじょ]を○す理由[わけ] Ore ga Kanojo Okasu Wake 내가 조카를 범하는 이유

"Ore ga Kanojo o su Wake" Episode 4 intensifies the series' exploration of complex relationships and moral boundaries. In this episode, Ryuuji's manipulation extends to orchestrating a scenario involving both Rinka and her mother, leading to a controversial and emotionally charged encounter. The episode delves into themes of betrayal and the consequences of unchecked desires, culminating in a scene where the father witnesses the unfolding events, adding another layer of familial tension and psychological impact. The animation continues to portray the characters' expressions and the gravity of the situations effectively, maintaining the series' tone and narrative style. Overall, Episode 4 serves as a pivotal point, heightening the drama and setting the stage for the subsequent developments in the storyline