In Episode 8 of "Papa Datte, Shitai," titled "Kakugo, Kimatta" (覚悟, 決まった), which translates to "I'm Prepared," the series reaches its conclusion with significant developments in the relationship between Kōya Asumi and Keiichi Naruse.
Throughout the series, Kōya, a college student working as a housekeeper, and Keiichi, a single father, have navigated the complexities of their evolving romantic relationship.
In this final episode, both characters confront their feelings and the challenges posed by their unconventional relationship.
They make decisive choices about their future together, demonstrating a commitment to each other and to Keiichi's young son, Ichika.
The episode emphasizes themes of love, acceptance, and the courage to embrace one's true desires, culminating in a heartfelt resolution that underscores the importance of honesty and openness in relationships.