Rebiya Episode 1 introduces a dark and provocative narrative that intertwines historical fiction with supernatural elements. The story centers on Duke Maerck, who forms a pact with an ancient Japanese sex demon named Rebiya. Two centuries after this fateful agreement, Rebiya continues to exploit humanity's deepest emotions—hatred, revenge, and lust—feeding into the primordial instincts that reside within all individuals. The episode delves into themes of forbidden desires and the consequences of making deals with otherworldly entities. The animation vividly portrays the eerie and sensual atmosphere, with detailed artwork that enhances the unsettling mood. As the plot unfolds, viewers are confronted with the complexities of human nature and the dark allure of succumbing to one's basest instincts. With its explicit content and mature themes, Rebiya Episode 1 offers a compelling exploration of the human psyche and the supernatural forces that seek to manipulate it.