"Ryouki no Ori: Dai 2 Shou," also known as "The Bizarre Cage: Chapter 2," is a three-episode OVA series released in 2001.
The narrative centers on Takeshi Saito, a newly appointed security guard at Fantasien, a high-tech amusement park.
In Episode 2, the storyline intensifies as Saito becomes entangled in a web of mystery and danger following a seemingly minor incident at work. The episode delves deeper into the park's enigmatic secrets, revealing unsettling truths that challenge Saito's perception of reality. The animation maintains a dark and suspenseful atmosphere, with detailed character expressions and settings that enhance the psychological tension. "Ryouki no Ori: Dai 2 Shou" Episode 2 captivates viewers with its intricate plot and exploration of human psyche, making it a compelling continuation of the series.