In Episode 7 of "Sakusei Byoutou The Animation," titled "Kiritani Chapter: Part One," the narrative introduces Nurse Kiritani, who initially presents herself as kind and affectionate towards Yamada. This apparent kindness leads Yamada to believe that his ordeals with the previous nurses have ended. However, Kurokawa, a former nurse, warns Yamada about Kiritani's true nature, describing her as a ruthless former delinquent who harasses people. Yamada is skeptical of Kurokawa's claims, unable to reconcile them with Kiritani's sweet demeanor. As the episode progresses, Yamada begins to witness unsettling aspects of Kiritani's behavior, suggesting that her benevolence may conceal a more sinister intent. This episode deepens the series' exploration of deceptive appearances and psychological manipulation within the hospital setting.