"Shikijou Kyoudan" is a two-episode OVA series that began airing on March 6, 2020.
The story follows a middle-aged man who, after losing his job and home due to his arrogant nature, becomes embittered and aggressive towards society. Living a vagrant lifestyle, he encounters Shima Itsuki, a mysterious beauty who invites him to become the founder of the sex cult "Ishin No Kai." She offers him a substantial sum of money, a house, and a car, which he accepts. The series delves into themes of manipulation, power dynamics, and the exploitation of vulnerable individuals. The animation emphasizes erotic content, with detailed character designs and explicit scenes intended for mature audiences. "Shikijou Kyoudan" explores the psychological and moral complexities of its characters, presenting a narrative that is both provocative and unsettling.
For a visual glimpse into the series, you can watch the teaser for Episode 1 below: