"Shin Ruriiro no Yuki" (also known as "Shin Ruri-iro no Yuki") begins its enchanting story in Episode 1 with a blend of romance and the supernatural. The narrative follows Makabe Hiroshi, a young science enthusiast who moves into an apartment owned by the family of his childhood friend, Yoko. Despite rumors of a ghost haunting his new residence, Hiroshi is unbothered, drawn by the low rent and his fascination with the unknown.
An accidental mishap during his move uncovers a mysterious jar hidden within the apartment. To Hiroshi’s surprise, the jar contains Ruri, a beautiful snow fairy whose presence adds an otherworldly twist to his life. As the episode unfolds, Hiroshi and Ruri begin to navigate their unexpected cohabitation, sparking a series of humorous and heartfelt interactions.
The premiere episode sets the tone for a story filled with charm, mystery, and an evolving relationship between its leads. With its captivating animation and intriguing premise, it invites viewers into a world where science meets the supernatural, and unexpected bonds are formed.