In "Shuumatsu no Harem" Episode 7, titled "Assigned to Me," the narrative delves into Shouta Doi's complex experiences within the all-girls school environment. Following Ichijou's week-long tenure as his roommate, a lottery determines Rikka Yanagi as her successor. However, Rikka's resemblance to a figure from Shouta's past triggers traumatic memories, prompting him to seek solace elsewhere.
In the teacher's lounge, Shunka Hiiragi shares her own history of being bullied, fostering a bond with Shouta that leads to an intimate encounter. This development incites jealousy in Rikka, resulting in a confrontation between the two girls. Subsequently, Shouta encounters Akira Toudou, who, after a candid interaction, seduces him, further complicating his emotional state.
Recognizing the challenges of the roommate arrangement, Karen Kamiya introduces a new system where a different girl is assigned to attend to Shouta daily, intensifying the pressure on him. A minor injury leads to a suggestive situation in the infirmary, orchestrated by Karen, involving Ichijou, Akira, and Shunka. Even Chifuyu Rehn Kuroda attempts to engage with Shouta, though he declines due to her youthful appearance.
Yuzuki-sensei's sudden transfer exacerbates Shouta's feelings of isolation and frustration, propelling him toward increasingly assertive behavior with the girls. The episode concludes with the arrival of Shion Hoshino, a new transfer student linked to Shouta's past, adding a layer of intrigue to the unfolding dynamics.
"Assigned to Me" skillfully explores themes of trauma, manipulation, and the complexities of human relationships in a post-apocalyptic setting. The episode's animation vividly portrays the emotional and psychological tensions experienced by Shouta, making it a compelling installment in the "Shuumatsu no Harem" series.