"Sukebe Elf Tanbouki" is an adult-oriented OVA series that follows Kazu Notus, a biologist who embarks on a journey to study the race known as "lewd elves."
In Episode 2, Kazu's interactions with the elves deepen as he becomes intimately involved with Maana's older sister, Tieru, who lacks experience in such matters. The episode explores the dynamics between Kazu and the elf sisters, highlighting the effects of the elves' aphrodisiac on their interactions.
The animation is noted for its explicit content, with detailed character designs that emphasize the adult themes present in the storyline. The voice acting adds depth to the characters, effectively conveying the nuances of their evolving relationships. As the series progresses, viewers can anticipate further exploration of Kazu's studies and experiences with the lewd elves, delving into the complexities and consequences of their interactions.