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Tensei Kendo no Harem Colosseum Episode 1


Tensei Kendo no Harem Colosseum Episode 1



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Release Date

May 25, 2017

Upload Date

June 04, 2017

Alternate Titles

Tensei Kendo no Harem Colosseum Tensei Kendo no Kozukuri Tougijou 転生剣奴の子づくり闘技場[ハーレムコロッセオ] Tensei Kendo no Harem Colosseo 전생검노 아이 만들기 투기장 [하렘 콜로세움]

"Tensei Kendo no Harem Colosseum" is an adult anime series that intertwines fantasy elements with mature themes. In Episode 1, viewers are introduced to Duranta, a voluptuous elf known as "The Hurricane," who becomes an idol-warrior in a bloody colosseum. Unbeknownst to her, the colosseum's battles, orchestrated by the Thunder Troupe led by Lighteus, are staged performances designed to entertain the audience without actual fatalities. Princess Lunahasol, the sadistic sponsor of the tournament, remains unaware of this deception. She invites Duranta and her opponent, Liguceun, to her manor under the pretense of a meal, only to command Liguceun to assault Duranta in her presence. Bound by the princess's authority, Liguceun complies, leading to an explicit encounter. The episode is noted for its detailed animation and the development of its mature themes. As with the rest of the series, Episode 1 is intended for adult audiences and contains explicit content.