"Tonari no Ie no Anette-san The Animation" introduces viewers to a provocative narrative centered around the protagonist's encounter with his alluring new neighbor, Anette-san. In Episode 1, the story unfolds as Anette-san moves in next door, captivating the protagonist with her striking appearance. Driven by unabashed desire, he boldly expresses his wish to engage in intimate relations with her. Anette-san, characterized by her meek demeanor, reluctantly consents, leading to a series of explicit and consensual encounters that explore themes of desire and submission. The episode delves into the dynamics of their burgeoning relationship, highlighting the protagonist's assertiveness and Anette-san's compliance. The animation is notable for its detailed character designs and explicit scenes that cater to fans of adult-oriented anime. The first episode sets the stage for a series that intertwines eroticism with character interactions, offering a compelling experience for viewers seeking mature content.