"Yubisaki kara Honki no Netsujou 2: Koibito wa Shouboushi," also known as "Fire in His Fingertips 2: My Boyfriend is a Fireman," is the second season of the anime adaptation of Tanishi Kawano's manga series. This season continues to explore the romantic relationship between Ryou Fujihashi, a 24-year-old office worker, and her childhood friend Souma Mizuno, a firefighter.
In this season, Ryou and Souma have officially started dating, deepening their emotional and physical connection. However, their relationship faces challenges with the reappearance of Ryou's ex-boyfriend, Rei Hidaka, who brings back memories from their school days and adds tension to the couple's dynamic.
The anime is produced by Studio Hokiboshi, with Toshihiro Watase directing and Eeyo Kurosaki handling the screenplay. Similar to the first season, it features two versions: a standard broadcast version and a premium version with explicit content.